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New Digital Services at Lavery Library: Single Search Box

Your guide to some of the new digital services at Lavery Library.

About the Single Search

Search box in EBSCO Discovery Service

Lavery Library has implemented a new system for searching books, articles from multiple databases, and multimedia, all within the same interface. We conducted trials of a few search services in Spring 2012, and chose a system from EBSCO—the system behind Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, and many other databases.

When should I use it?

It can be a great place to start research!  Find relevant resources quickly, be they articles or books, without needing to choose a database first.  You can limit your search results by date range, source type, and scholarly status.

When should I NOT use it?

If you are an experienced searcher, there are many specialized tools in individual databases for your discipline. For example, databases like Westlaw Campus Research, APA PsycNet, and Medline on Ovid have powerful features only available in their unique interfaces. The single search can only cater to a common denominator, since it's subject-independent. 

Try it out!

Search articles, books, and media from a single box.

Advanced Search

Problems or feedback?

Please let us know if you have problems with the service! We're still getting the bugs out. Just let us know:

  1. What you are searching for,
  2. What problem you're having, and
  3. How we can get back in touch with you!

Contact Us

Phone: 585-385-8165