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This Pharmacy Guide serves the students in the Wegmans School of Pharmacy and all Fisher students, faculty and staff that are researching topics in pharmacology or pharmaceutical sciences.

WSOP Preceptors: Database Access

Pharmacy students at St. John Fisher have off campus access to all of our databases.  Therefore,  preceptors can work with their student(s) to access any library materials that are needed in order to complete the educational objectives of a rotation. 

There are a few databases that are accessible directly by preceptors from off campus.  In order to access them you will need to log in to the portal for Preceptors, accessible through the office of Experiential Education in the Wegmans School of Pharmacy

WSOP Preceptors: Borrowing Privileges

Preceptors are eligible to borrow materials from Lavery library. Enjoy titles from our leisure reading collection, videos and DVDS from our Leisure and Academic Collections, a collection of children and young adult books as well as the Circulating Collection.  In order to check out materials you will need a Fisher Identification card. To obtain a Fisher Identification Card, please contact the Office of Experiential Education at the Wegmans School of Pharmacy.