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Google Scholar

Learn how to configure Google Scholar to link to St. John Fisher College Lavery Library's databases and how to effectively use this search engine.

Google Scholar

Using Google Scholar for research can be a good way to begin a research project. It can also be a great way to stay current with a topic or follow a scholarly conversation. The following Guide will help you connect Google Scholar with Lavery Library and offer suggestions for smart ways to use Google Scholar for academic research.

Navigating this guide

There are four (4) links below for the different sections of this Guide. Use these, or the left-side menu, to navigate between the pages. These pages do not need to be viewed in a particular order, but rather offer help for discrete aspects of Google Scholar.

About Google Scholar

Google Scholar pulls resources together from a variety of places and disciplines, and includes materials such as books, dissertations, abstracts, articles, and court opinions. It features ways to connect literature through citation tracking, author exploration, and related works. Full text of resources can be located through connection to an academic library or on the web. Search results are ranked through a number of ways, including by where something was published, who authored a resources, how often, or recently, it has been cited in other scholarly literature.

You can read more about Google Scholar's content and ranking by using the link below.